
Florida's Special Places: Ft. Desoto County Park

This week's nominee for Florida's Special Places comes from Don Margeson. The Tampa Bay area is a rich area for birding and the history of Audubon. We're so proud that Don chose this incredible beach-side park as his nominee. As you will read, the park is of special importance to him, as it is the spot where spotted one of his first life birds.

Thank you Don and be sure to nominate your Special Place on our Facebook Page today!

Don's nominee:

One of my first life birds at Ft. DeSoto County Park, in Pinellas County, Florida, was a Dark-eyed Junco found by Andy Bankert in the sea grapes near the Ranger's House, near the end of the Rich Paul New Years Day Birding Open, a friendly competition being held this year for the 20th consecutive year to benefit the Audubon of Florida's Coastal Island Sanctuaries Program. The New Years Day Birding Open was renamed after Rich Paul to reflect his commitment to the environment and his continual participation in this event

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