
Audubon Supporters Work to Protect Clean Water Act

Yesterday, hundreds of Audubon advocates wrote to their Representatives, asking them to oppose H.B. 2018, the destructive legislation that would strip the Environmental Protection Agency of its essential ability to enforce key elements of the Clean Water Act.

In a 239 to 184 vote, the U.S. House of Representatives approved this legislation that will make it easier for pollution to go unchecked and threatens our environment, families and our economy. To see how your Representative voted, please click here. The incredible outpouring of concern and action on this issue is inspiring.

The bill still needs to get through the Senate and then be signed by the President to become law, so be sure to stay engaged through our eNewsletters, where you will be the fist to know about breaking environmental news and action items. Thank you for all your support - together we will make a difference for Florida's environment.

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