
Protect the birds and we protect the Earth.

Great Egrets. Photo: Fraida Gutovich/Audubon Photography Awards

When it comes down to it, Audubon Florida is for the birds!

Why birds as our focus for conservation? Because of the number of habitats they span and their requirements for habitat health, protecting birds helps us protect all types of wildlife, as well as water and air quality which immediately benefit human quality of life.

Beyond their conservation value, however, there's just something about birds. Is it their ability to migrate across hemispheres by the light of the stars? Their colorful plumage, lyrical songs, or simply the magic of flight? At heart, all of us here at Audubon are held in thrall by the mysteries of these feathered wonders.

We invite you to explore our extensive bird resources... and make our addiction your own!

Florida's Imperiled Birds

Florida's Imperiled Birds

Whether resting on a mangrove island or nesting on a barrier island beach, these birds need space, which is increasingly difficult to find.

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Bird Links

Bird Links

To help you enjoy our favorite hobby while you’re in Florida, we’ve compiled a few birdwatching links you may find helpful.

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Florida Birding FAQ

Florida Birding FAQ

Answers to your burning birding questions.

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Wildlife Photography Ethics

Wildlife Photography Ethics

While many of us enjoy snapshots into the secret lives of birds, we don’t often think about what went into taking those photos. And in some cases, at what cost to the birds themselves.

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Banded Birds

Banded Birds

What to do if you spot a banded bird.

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Birding: Hobby or Tool for Conservation?
Waterways And IBAs

Birding: Hobby or Tool for Conservation?

Birders provide important information for resource management and conservation planning

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Important Florida Birds

How you can help, right now