
Audubon's Charles Lee Speaks Up for the Department of Community Affairs

In Governor Rick Scott's recent budget recommendations, his intent to dismantle the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) was clear - later calling the agency that helps communities properly manage growth a "job killer."  Audubon of Florida's Director of Advocacy Charles Lee spoke up for the need of a strong DCA in The Tampa Tribune:

"If we are going to be talking about cases where paving over the Everglades is at issue, we think it's absolutely essential there be a traffic cop at the state level that will blow the whistle and be able to step in and say no," said Charles Lee, a lobbyist for Audubon of Florida.

Audubon is eager to engage with proposals to change growth management law. Our objective remains for a strong state-level review of development projects that can harm our vital ecosystems, such as the Everglades, Wekiva River System, Green Swamp and many more “special places”.

Please check back to this blog for continuing coverage of the changes to Florida's growth management rules as the state budget makes its way through the legislative process.


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