
Charles Lee: Help Audubon Defend Florida's Water

Last Saturday, over 1500 people turned out at Silver River State Park in Ocala to rally for action to save Florida’s iconic Silver Springs. As you probably know, the historic flow of crystal clear water from this famed natural wonder has fallen dramatically in recent years.

But, Floridians have the power to ensure that we do not lose another spring.

This most recent crisis is just one indication of an unprecedented collapse of the once bountiful water resources of North Central Florida. The great springs of the Suwannee River system have also been dramatically impacted, some drying up completely, others just dribble at a fraction of their former flow.

Iconic Florida birds such as Wood Storks and Limpkins are dependent on clean and abundant water supplies. You can help Audubon Florida protect this precious resource and the diversity of life it allows by making a $25, $50, or $100 contribution right now.

Lovers of natural Florida like you are the reason our dedicated science and policy teams are be able to:

  • Work with local officials to implement smart water conservation strategies,
  • Raise public awareness of Florida’s water crisis,
  • Monitor and participate in the state legislature,
  • Educate landowners and decision makers about alternative water management strategies during floods and droughts, and
  • Advocate and rally support against harmful water use permits and destructive development.

I was honored to help lead the rally at Silver Springs, but that event is just the beginning of a much larger movement to secure Florida's most precious resource. Together, we are creating a community of citizens who are concerned for the Florida we will be leaving to our children and their children. Show your support right now.

For Audubon, addressing the crisis of the springs and the decline of the aquifer in North Florida requires an expanded level of effort, more travel, more staff, more action, and more funding. If we are going to continue to pursue this effort at the level it truly requires, Audubon needs an influx of support from passionate conservationists like you.

Our ability to manage and protect our remarkable water resources is the heart of Florida's future. Please consider making a special contribution today. No matter how large or small, your support will allow our effort to move forward.

Thank you for all that you do to protect natural Florida.


Charles Lee

Director of Advocacy

How you can help, right now