
NY TIMES: Florida Legislature Votes to Ease Rules on Development

On the heels of one of the most difficult legislative sessions in Florida's recent memory, even the New York Times has noted the drastic changes coming to our state's growth management process and environmental regulation.

The New York Times:

Just before the Republican-led Florida Legislature finished up its session for the year, it gave developers a parting gift: It pushed through measures that would reverse 25 years of growth management law by loosening state oversight of builders and making it harder for people to challenge development...

“It was the worst session for the environment I have seen in 20 years,” said Eric Draper, executive director of Audubon of Florida. “We saw more bad bills proposed and more bad bills passed than we have ever seen before. Any claim that a bill would increase jobs by decreasing regulation was accepted on its face with no consideration given to the financial consequences or the environmental consequences of the proposal.”

Audubon of Florida sent a letter to Governor Rick Scott asking for a veto of the four most offending bills passed during the 2011 session.


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