
President of Halifax River Audubon Society Reports from the Audubon Academy

After 24 years as a chapter Conservation Chair of Halifax River Audubon Society, it's easy to become jaded and somewhat skeptical of the efficacy of meetings and workshops. We've all spent time in meetings at work or with this or other organizations. Often we sit through Power Point presentations, snack on the requisite cookies, coffee and tea at break time, and then go back to our respective locations and continue doing the same things we've been doing.

Lawrence J. Peter wrote eloquently about the boredom and uselessness of meetings in his book, "The Peter Principle." This past weekend's Audubon Academy couldn't have been more different from that model. I went home Sunday afternoon energized and with a renewed enthusiasm for the work and for the future of chapter development. I thought the networking element was particularly effective and I'm certainly glad I came.

Joyce King, Academy Coordinator and Jacqui Sulek, Chapters Coordinator organized an event that was fun, engaging and offered a real value to those of us in attendance. The Audubon of Florida staff contributed greatly to the success and should be proud of the effort and the outcome of this past weekend's events.

One of the focal points was the use of social networking to reach out across the divide of age, apathy and disinterest in trying to engage others and hopefully develop in them an interest in our issues and our chapters. I was impressed enough that I went out yesterday and bought a copy of "Facebook For Dummies."

If your chapter wasn't represented at this past weekend's event, you missed an opportunity to connect with some very good folks. The fact that it coincided with the vernal equinox and the rise of that gorgeous full moon over Payne's Prairie was an extra benefit.

David Hartgrove

President & Conservation Chair

Halifax River Audubon

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