
Stories from the Spill: Deepwater Horizon - One Year Out

One week from today will mark the one-year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, and a lot has changed in that year. The economy and ecology of the Gulf Coast were rocked to their foundations by this epic disaster, causing many of us to reconsider the ways we think about—or took for granted-- the Gulf of Mexico.

Join us as we reflect on what this tragedy meant to us as a state and as individuals.

Audubon wants to know: How did Deepwater Horizon affect you, your family, your community? The way you think about Florida, our special places, and the wide, warm Gulf of Mexico?

Lend your voice to the Gulf: Tell your story, share your photos. Help us remember and help us chart a course for the future of the Gulf, as a Gulf of Abundance.

Share your comments right here on our blog or on the Florida's Special Places Facebook Page.

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