Audubon Florida News

Featured Stories

Protect Beach-nesting Birds from Fireworks this July Fourth Weekend
Coastal Conservation

Protect Beach-nesting Birds from Fireworks this July Fourth Weekend

Least Terns, Black Skimmers, Wilson’s Plovers, Snowy Plovers, and American Oystercatchers nest on Florida coasts.

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Recap: Audubon Florida's 2024 Legislative Update

Recap: Audubon Florida's 2024 Legislative Update

We celebrate the good bills that made it across the finish line, and the bad bills we stopped in their tracks. Read on for details and thank you for lending your voice to make these successes possible.

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News & Updates

Audubon Florida Prepares for 2018 Lawmaking Session Where Conservation Funding Takes Center Stage

Audubon Florida Prepares for 2018 Lawmaking Session Where Conservation Funding Takes Center Stage

Using the 2018 Conservation Action Agenda set by Audubon members, Audubon Florida plans to advocate for birds and habitat in the 2018 legislative session.

Audubon Advocate: Land Conservation Funding Advances in Senate, Protections Passed for Sensitive Rookery Island & More

Audubon Advocate: Land Conservation Funding Advances in Senate, Protections Passed for Sensitive Rookery Island & More

Read more on the latest on conservation in Florida in this edition of the Audubon Advocate.

Meet Grayson, a John James Audubon Fan and Avid Birder

Meet Grayson, a John James Audubon Fan and Avid Birder

North Florida Teen Understands Connection Between Birds and Conservation

Exciting News for the Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge

Exciting News for the Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge

New Agreement Will Preserve Popular Florida Refuge

ADVOCATE: Updates on Land Conservation Discussions, Gov. Scott's Environmental Budget & More

ADVOCATE: Updates on Land Conservation Discussions, Gov. Scott's Environmental Budget & More

State lawmakers were back in Tallahassee this week to prepare for the 2018 legislative session for their second committee week. Get the scoop on what happened this week in Tallahassee.

Restore: Oct. 2017 Updates from America's Everglades

Restore: Oct. 2017 Updates from America's Everglades

What lessons did Irma teach us about the Everglades and restoration?

High Water Levels Threaten the Health of Lake Okeechobee

High Water Levels Threaten the Health of Lake Okeechobee

By: Dr. Paul Gray - October 24, 2017. As the full impacts of Hurricane Irma on Florida’s natural ecosystems become known, it is clear that some of the most destructive effects will be on Lake Okeechobee.

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