
Audubon Hails Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Governor Scott’s State Rulemaking Freeze

Earlier today, the Florida Supreme Court agreed with Audubon’s position and overturned Governor Scott’s executive order that suspended all state rulemaking. One of Scott’s first acts as Governor was to halt all new rulemaking in the name of reducing government regulation. This affected much needed rules ranging from disability benefits to water quality protections.

As a result of the Court’s ruling, work can now resume on vital protections for the water resources of Biscayne Bay, the Caloosahatchee Estuary and the Kissimmee River.

Audubon of Florida Executive Director Eric Draper said,

“The Court’s ruling puts the public back in the rule making process. Audubon joined the suit to defend a rule needed for Everglades restoration. The Governor cannot substitute his personal views for the rule of law, especially when the public’s interest in clean water is at stake. No one person should determine the fate of our resources, not even the Governor.”

For more information, please read the St. Petersburg Times article about this issue.

To read Audubon’s amicus brief, please visit:

To read the Court’s opinion in full, please visit:


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