
From the Road: Audubon of Florida Executive Director Eric Draper Blogs From Around the State

For an Audubon road warrior, yesterday was a treat.   I spent the morning in the Ocala National Forest, then had a discussion on sustainable energy with the famous Hazel Henderson,  gave a talk on the Wildlife Impacts of Light Pollution and ended the day by meeting legendary Florida painter Jackson Walker.

In Ocala, we saw Wild Turkeys in the woods, which always makes me excited about the beauty and surprisingly diverse

landscapes of the Ocala National Forest.

Hazel Henderson was the best part of the day.  From her headquarters of Ethical Markets Media, Florida Audubon board chair John H. Hankinson and I listened as Ms. Henderson laid out an alternative economic vision:  one of emphasizing local investments in green technology, energy efficiency and solar power.   I left with a copy of her book Ethical Markets.

Later, I had the opportunity to speak to a panel at the University of Central Florida Daytona Beach

on Dark Skies and the challenges of light pollution.  The event was sponsored in part by the Walter and Betty Boardman Foundation and was attended by nearly 100 people,  including a good dozen Audubon members from:

Does Eric know his Night-Herons?The talk, with the exception an embarrassing on stage gaffe of mislabeling a Night Heron on a slide, went very well.  And, I walked away with a nice t-shirt.

The day ended with a meeting at the Deland studio of Jackson Walker, the legendary painter of Florida history.   I got a sneak look at his latest work in progress, a stunning portrait of Guy Bradley.

Many thanks to everyone for a great day around Florida!

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