Jacqui Sulek, Audubon of Florida's Chapter Conservation Manager, was recently asked to help section off a critical shorebird nesting area in Northeast Florida to warn humans to stay away from the delicate beach habitat that exists there. Thanks Jacqui for this excellent report of your important work!
Last week I was invited by Audubon's NE Florida Policy Associate Monique Borboen to help with the "posting" of Nassau Sound Bird Island. This small island off the coast of NE Florida offers nesting habitat for Least Terns, Black Skimmers, Gull-billed Terns, American Oystercatchers and Wilson's Plovers.
Posting of informational and warning signs on the island helps protect the birds and their nests during this critical time. The group, led by Terry Doonan, North Central Regional Biologist from the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, was made up of FWC staff, Audubon staff and some dedicated volunteers. It was a truly cooperative effort and the combined energy made light work of a heavy task. It was a treat to get out to this special place and to be able to do something to help assure that these birds will be able to nest in peace.
Thanks for the invite!