Greenhouse gas

Government Operations Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory

Greenhouse Gas. Photo: Canva

Government Operations Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory

Cities, counties, and universities all generate carbon emissions in the course of their operations, from the conventionally generated electricity they use to the fossil-fueled vehicles they employ. Reducing these emissions by improving energy efficiency and switching to renewable energy sources is essential, but you can’t gauge progress without first knowing where you’re starting from. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventories establish a baseline for the size of an entity’s carbon footprint, against which the success of a reduction action plan may be measured. Inventories can cost from tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars, though. Read on for strategies to help lower the cost of inventories, and shepherd your city, county, or university through this important process.  


Collaborate with other member municipalities to establish a cost-sharing agreement, reducing overall costs associated with establishing a GHG inventory.

Partner with local universities and utilities to establish a data-sharing program agreement to offset GHG inventory costs.

For more information, click here.

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