Audubon Staff

Articles by Audubon Staff

To Protect Florida Scrub-Jays, We Need Populations of All Sizes

To Protect Florida Scrub-Jays, We Need Populations of All Sizes

— Approximately 75% of all Florida Scrub-Jays live in one of just four areas around the state. Here's why that's a risk for the species.
Highlights: Jay Watch Ambassadors

Highlights: Jay Watch Ambassadors

— Jay Watch is built on partnerships. Amy Compare and Analee Monrreal inspire students to be involved in Florida Scrub-Jay Conservation.
Urban Development Boundary Expansion Halted – For Now – In Miami-Dade County

Urban Development Boundary Expansion Halted – For Now – In Miami-Dade County

— Since its creation, the Miami-Dade County Urban Development Boundary (UDB) has been threatened by urban sprawl.
Everglades to Gulf Conservation Area Founded with Seven Acres Donated by Paul Gray

Everglades to Gulf Conservation Area Founded with Seven Acres Donated by Paul Gray

— "I bought a ranch six years ago and was honored to be able to donate the 'seven-acre seed' to start the new national wildlife refuge unit."
The 2024 Nesting Season for Southwest Florida Coastal Birds is Underway
Coastal Conservation

The 2024 Nesting Season for Southwest Florida Coastal Birds is Underway

— Boaters and beachgoers urged to give space to nesting birds along area beaches.
Nesting Birds Contended with Heat, Overwash, and Disturbance in 2023 Season
Coastal Conservation

Nesting Birds Contended with Heat, Overwash, and Disturbance in 2023 Season

— Coastal nesting birds in 2023 persevered despite record-breaking heat and busy beaches. Here, we summarize the results from Audubon-monitored-and-stewarded sites.
New Study: Benefits of Returning Fallen Chicks to Rooftop Nests
Coastal Conservation

New Study: Benefits of Returning Fallen Chicks to Rooftop Nests

— A decade-long study looks at how fallen Least Tern chicks fare after they are placed back on their rooftop nests by Audubon volunteers.
Audubon Florida Birdathon is April 20-26, 2024
About Us

Audubon Florida Birdathon is April 20-26, 2024

— Help raise funds to protect birds and the places they need while participating in one of America's favorite pastimes.