EagleWatch Volunteers Advocate for Eagles Across the State

Volunteers worked with local, state, and federal governments to safeguard nests in their communities.

Bald Eagles often use cell phone towers as nesting sites. Photo: P. L. Carrillo.

The Voice of Conservation in Florida

For more than a century Audubon has encouraged people to take care of the places that make Florida special. Using science to guide our priorities and birdlife to measure ecosystem health, Audubon advocates for the protection of land, water, and wildlife. Audubon is Florida’s most influential conservation organization and conducts extensive work to protect the Everglades and coastal bird habitats. We manage sanctuaries covering thousands of acres along with two popular nature centers. Audubon promotes stewardship and appreciation of public land and water so people experience and cherish Florida’s natural beauty and wildlife.


Fort De Soto Park Fledges Rare American Oystercatcher Chicks
Coastal Conservation

Fort de Soto County Park Fledges First American Oystercatcher in More than Twenty Years

by Abby McKay, South Pinellas County Anchor Steward.

Banded American Oystercatchers Link Florida’s Panhandle to Central America

Banded American Oystercatchers Link Florida’s Panhandle to Central America

The first American Oystercatchers of the year arrived in the Gulf of Fonseca last month. Thanks to the science of bird banding, we know where two of them came from.

Banded Oystercatcher Showcases Nesting Habitat Discovery
Coastal Conservation

Banded Oystercatcher Showcases Nesting Habitat Discovery

by Kara Cook, Audubon Florida Rooftop Biologist.

 Audubon Petitions the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to List the Wilson’s Plover as Threatened
Coastal Conservation

Audubon Petitions the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to List the Wilson’s Plover as Threatened

Declining shorebird needs additional protections; fewer than 1,000 are estimated to remain in Florida.

Florida’s Bald Eagles Rebounded After Hurricane Ian’s Destruction, According to EagleWatch Report
Press Center

Florida’s Bald Eagles Rebounded After Hurricane Ian’s Destruction, According to EagleWatch Report

Despite nest destruction from Hurricane Ian, resilience proved to be the theme of the 2022-23 Bald Eagle nesting season, according to end-of-season data compiled by the Audubon EagleWatch program.

Resilience Planning Charts a Course for Northeast Florida

Resilience Planning Charts a Course for Northeast Florida

Resiliency efforts will consider the interconnectedness of nature and the built environment and take a broad, science-based, data-driven approach to be effective, sustainable, and equitable.

Florida Scrub-Jay Advocates Defend Restoration Plans in Brevard County

Florida Scrub-Jay Advocates Defend Restoration Plans in Brevard County

Restoration is a matter of survival for this area’s scrub-jays.

Florida Legislative Session Returns Funding Wins for Everglades Restoration and Land Acquisition, but Negative Impacts on Smart Growth

Florida Legislative Session Returns Funding Wins for Everglades Restoration and Land Acquisition, but Negative Impacts on Smart Growth

Audubon’s policy team pounded the pavement in Tallahassee to push good bills forward, to stop bad bills in their tracks, and to encourage full funding of environmental programs, conservation, and restoration.

Supreme Court Decision Threatens Waterways that Birds (and People) Need

Supreme Court Decision Threatens Waterways that Birds (and People) Need

A Supreme Court decision could have major impacts on how waterways are protected in Florida.

Everglades Restoration Projects Improve Water Quality and Quantity in the River of Grass

Everglades Restoration Projects Improve Water Quality and Quantity in the River of Grass

Audubon has studied and advocated for the Everglades for 123 years, and we are thrilled to see decades of planning and advocacy come to fruition