
Audubon Florida Celebrates Local Chapters for Conservation and Leadership Achievements

What makes an award-winning Audubon chapter? Outstanding leadership and making a difference for conservation! At the Chapter Awards Ceremony of the 2018 Audubon Assembly, Audubon Florida gave awards for Best Education Project, Best Conservation Project, and Best Chapter and also recognized two extraordinary Audubon Chapter leaders.

Best Education Project
Audubon Chapter accepts Best Education Project Award
Chapter President Peter Kleinhenz and Intern Niles Morrow accepted the award.
Chapter President Norm Capra accepted the award.
Chapter President Norm Capra accepted the award.
Best Education Project
Best Conservation Project
Photographer Jean Hall and Biologist Allison Smith accepted the award.
Best Conservation Project went to Audubon of Western Everglades.
Sante Fe Audubon won Best Conservation Project
President of Audubon Santa Fe and Biologist Traci Johns accepted the award.
Best Conservation Project
Best Chapter
Best Chapter for a large chapter goes to Alachua Audubon.
Best Chapter for a large chapter goes to Alachua Audubon.
 Flagler Audubon was award for Best Chapter.
Flagler Audubon accepts the award for Best Chapter.
Best Chapter
Extraordinary Chapter Leaders
Two Audubon chapter leaders accept the award for being extraordinary leaders.
President of Apalachee Audubon, Peter Kleinhenz and President of Pelican Island Audubon, Dr. Richard Baker accepted the award.

Best Education Project

Best Education Project for a large chapter (more than 500 members) had a tie!
Apalachee Audubon’s Lake Elberta Habitat Enhancement project identified four college interns to develop leadership skills as organizers of this local park restoration. Chapter President Peter Kleinhenz and Intern Niles Morrow accepted the award.Pelican Island Audubon was also recognized for their weekend extravaganza that focused on how native plants are good for both birds and the Indian River Lagoon. Chapter President Dr. Richard Baker accepted the award on behalf of the chapter’s dedicated volunteers.
Best Education Project for a small chapter (less than 500 members) went to Bay County Audubon for their Plants, Birds and Berries project, which hosted a well-attended native plants seminar in their community. Chapter President Norm Capra accepted the award.

Best Conservation Project

Best Conservation Project for a large chapter went to Audubon of the Western Everglades for their Burrowing Owl survey project, complete with an operations manual. Photographer Jean Hall and Biologist Allison Smith accepted the award.Best Conservation Project for a small chapter went to Santa Fe Audubon for their year-round commitment to survey the wading bird rookery within Vulcan Mines. Laura Berkelman, President of Santa Fe Audubon and Traci Johns, biologist with Vulcan Materials Company, received the award.

Best Chapter

Best Chapter for a large chapter went to Alachua Audubon. From the Sweetwater Wetlands to Birds and Beer and Zen Yoga, members engage in creative fun ways to educate and advocate for birds. Chapter President Debbie Segal and Vice President Felicia Lee took the award home for their team.
Best Chapter for a small chapter was awarded to Flagler Audubon. Jason and Mary Giraulo have added new energy to the chapter’s activities and added a birding festival to their list of programming.

Extraordinary Chapter Leaders

Two extraordinary chapter leaders were recognized for their vision, positive attitude, and commitment to creating a culture of excellence. Join us in congratulating Peter Kleinhenz, President of Apalachee Audubon and Dr. Richard Baker, President of Pelican Island Audubon.

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