Thanks to persistent advocates, the Cape Coral City Council voted to keep strong Bald Eagle protections in place this spring. Because eagles are a priority for the community, they receive additional protections beyond federal and state requirements. But when a proposal to reduce the protective buffers around an active nest was considered, EagleWatchers and conservation partners rallied and objected. This public outcry led city officials to reject the proposed reduction in eagle nest protections.
Partnership and collaboration are what make Audubon effective in conservation. EagleWatch partners with Cape Coral officials to share volunteers, eagle nest data, and information regarding nest disturbance issues. City officials tell Audubon that they appreciate the rapid response of EagleWatch volunteers to critical nest requests. In addition, having access to real-time nest data informs permitting decisions near active nests.
Thanks to your support and involvement, Audubon is able to collaborate with government agencies to protect birds and the places they need.