
Audubon Works to Protect the Gulf at Panama City RESTORE Hearings

Representatives from across the Audubon family helped make the case for conservation in Panama City on February 28, 2013. At two hearings, Audubon supporters spoke passionately for the birds and habitats that make up Florida's remarkable Gulf Coast.

For a comprehensive review of Audubon's Florida priorities, please click here to download Florida Gulf Ecosystem Priorities for the RESTORE Act

Audubon Florida Executive Director Eric Draper, Audubon Florida board member George Willson, Bay County Audubon President Ron Houser, Bay County Audubon Conservation Chair Neil Lamb, Francis M. Weston Audubon Society Conservation Chair Barbara Albrecht and many others all gave public testimony in support of critical conservation projects that would have an immediate and positive affect on our coast. National Audubon Society's Chris Canfield also made the trip over to Panama City.

Thanks to everyone who spoke up for conservation last night - together we will make a difference for the Gulf Coast ecosystem!

From the Panama City News Herald:

Representatives from Audubon Florida pushed for funding for an 11,000 acre land acquisition in West Bay to add to 41,000 acres designated by the St. Joe Co. as a conservation area.

Neil Lamb, conservation chair for the Bay County Audubon Society, said St. Joe designated the land as environmental mitigation for the development of the Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport and other developments in the area.

“To preserve that for the future, we feel like those lands need to be purchased with some of this money,” Lamb said. “We feel that is the single most important project that could be funded in this area.”

Your voice is needed! County and state meetings regarding the RESTORE Act funds are being scheduled - do not miss your opportunity to stand up to protect our Gulf! Be sure to visit and bookmark Audubon's website for the latest information on how you can participate.

 For additional video news coverage, please click here.


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