
Audubon's Charles Lee Set to Speak at Rally for the Rivers

Expect to hear Audubon's Director of Advocacy Charles Lee speak at this year's Rally for the Rivers festival at Ravine Gardens State Park in Palatka, Florida. This year’s theme, Where Do We Go From Here?, is designed to facilitate networking between grassroots groups and statewide organizations to maximize our efforts to safeguard Florida’s natural resources. Lee will be speaking on Friday, February 18.

The Orlando Sentinel, in an article about the Rally for the Rivers festival, writes:

But environmental advocates suspect the fate of Florida's parkland hinges less on the governor's words and more on the legislative session that starts in March. They fear that, amid budget-slashing chaos, lawmakers and the state's chief executive will negotiate drastic anti-environment changes, such as axing development regulations, canceling restoration projects or even selling off conservation properties...

...This year's Rally for the Rivers is taking shape as a much-anticipated forum for Florida's environmental advocates, who look to counter the budget proposal that Scott unveiled last week at a gathering of Tea Party activists in Lake County.

We hope you can make it to the park for what should be a wonderful day. For more information, please contact:  (352) 475-1936.

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