Over the weekend, Audubon of Florida was proud to announce that their own Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary near Naples, Florida has completed installation of Solar Panels on the roof of the Blair Center. With a generous donation from REC Solar, who donated the panels and installation work, Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary will now save around 400 pounds of carbon dioxide pollution from entering the atmosphere every two weeks.
The donation was a response to Audubon's efforts to save Brown Pelicans in the wake of the BP Oil Disaster of 2010. The panels will go a long way in helping prevent CO2 from entering the atmosphere and will be a great tool to teach visitors about the benefits of renewable energy and conservation. National Audubon Society President David Yarnold was on hand for the official unveiling.
Congratulations to Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary and REC Solar who made this momentous day a reality! Thank you!