
Bay News 9: Tampa Bay Seagrass Healthiest in Years

Good news for Tampa Bay’s wildlife, Bay News 9 is reporting that seagrass in this important habitat is healthier than it has been in years. This is GREAT news for Tampa’s coastal wildlife, as many different wintering and nesting birds and other animals rely on the fish that spawn in seagrass as their primary food source.

Hillsborough Bay has been recognized by Audubon and BirdLife International as a Globally Significant Important Bird Area and increased seagrass beds provide food for the thousands of nesting herons, egrets, spoonbills, ibis, and their chicks.

A big THANK YOU to our boaters for taking extra precaution to protect this special place and to those dedicated to making sure the health of Tampa Bay is maintained.

For more information, please see Bay News 9's report.

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