
Breaking News: Renewed Hope for Florida Forever and Everglades in Senate!

Sen. Al Lawson (D-Tallahassee) and Sen. Carey Baker (R-Eustis), Chairman of the Senate General Government Appropriations Committee, are proposing to use revenue generated by the closure of a corporate tax loophole to avoid eliminating the Florida Forever and Everglades Restoration budgets next fiscal year.  Some of the revenue generated would be used to issue another $100M in bonds: $50M for Florida Forever and $50M in Everglades Restoration for fiscal year 2009-10. The proposal comes in the form of an amendment Sen. Lawson will seek to add to his SB 2430 on Friday in committee.  Audubon is grateful to Sens. Lawson and Baker for this creative proposal, as well as to Senate President Jeff Atwater, Ways and Means Chair JD Alexander, and Sen Paula Dockery for their efforts on behalf of land conservation in Florida.

For more details, check out the article in the Tallahassee Democrat.

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