Clean Energy Advocates & Offshore Drilling Opponents
We Need You on March 22nd and 23rd 2010!
Florida State Capitol, Tallahassee
Help Pass Clean Energy Jobs Legislation This Session
Jump-Start Florida's Economy and Stop the Threat of Risky Offshore Drilling
Did you know that Florida could generate nearly 20 percent of current electricity sales from already available renewable energy technology? This session, the Florida State Legislature will decide Florida’s energy future. Will our elected officials choose to unleash a clean energy economy in our state that will bring much needed jobs and opportunity or will they decide to sell off our coasts to the oil industry?
Renewable energy in Florida is poised to expand the state’s economic base and create good jobs while reducing global warming pollution. Last year, the Florida Public Service Commission delivered a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) rule to the Legislature for ratification that adopted Governor Crist’s goal of 20% renewable energy by 2020. It’s an exciting time for those who value environmental and consumer protection as well as economic growth.
The good news is that Florida has immense renewable energy resources that can exceed Governor Crist’s goal of 20% renewable energy by 2020. The bad news is that the opportunity for renewable energy stands to be undermined by oil industry lobbyists and that want to open up Florida’s shores – 10 miles to the shore - to drilling.
Be in Tallahassee March 22nd and 23rd to voice your concerns about this urgent issue. See the invitation for all of the details.