
Clean Energy Can Yield Healthy Future

By Sarah Bucci and Kevin Otway at the South Florida Sun-Sentinel:

On June 26, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act, a historic step toward a clean-energy economy and a healthy future. Now it's up to the U.S. Senate to pass a bill that unleashes the potential of clean energy.

America is too reliant on dirty fossil fuels that subject our economy to major fluctuations in fuel prices and threaten our national security. Moving to energy that is clean, cheap, domestic and safe will take some work, but the payoff will be enormous for Florida.

Clean energy is already a bright spot in our economy. According to Pew Charitable Trusts, there were 3,831 green businesses in Florida by 2007, employing 31,122 people. In the last 10 years, the number of clean-energy jobs in Florida has grown by 8 percent and will continue to rise if our senators commit to passing a strong clean-energy jobs bill.

With this recent growth, local awareness campaigns have emerged, with leaders implementing training and apprenticeship programs and promoting the services of these new companies. Veterans Energy Solutions volunteered to offer professional classes at Miami-Dade College, which is now offering Energy Efficiency 1 and 2.

Transitioning to a clean-energy economy would not only create jobs but could save Florida households an average of $296 per year.

In fact, we can make Florida's homes and businesses so efficient that any energy they use is generated on site from clean sources like solar power. Veterans Energy VES is certifying homes for the Energy Star Program for local builders such as Habitat for Humanity, conducting energy audits to help local business owners and residents use less energy, and installing solar power systems and other energy control systems for our clients.

Environment Florida estimates that Big Oil and other polluters have hired 2,000 lobbyists to stop the Senate energy plan. Recent news indicates that lobbyists hired by the coal industry went so far as to forge letters from constituents to pressure members of Congress to vote against the House bill.

Now is the time for meaningful action on clean energy and global warming. We are calling on Sens. George LeMieux and Bill Nelson to pass a strong clean-energy jobs bill that will unleash the power of clean energy to transform our economy, protect our environment and build a more sustainable future.

Sarah Bucci is the federal field associate for Environment Florida. Kevin Otway is the owner of Veterans Energy Solutions, an Iraq war veteran-owned and operated clean-energy business.

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