Rare ghost orchid is in bloom at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary © RJ Wiley |
Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary's Ghost Orchid is making some headlines and has even earned a full-page spread in US Airways latest magazine. For the third summer in a row, it has bloomed beautifully on an ancient bald cypress. As such an endangered species, it's always a magnificent treat to be able to behold a Ghost Orchid bloom. With its roots blending in so well with the tree's trunk, the orchid seems to be floating in the air, independent of any earthly chains, hence the name "Ghost Orchid". But visitors needn't worry, the only haunting this plant will do is with its beauty.
“People are fascinated by orchids, and the Ghost Orchid is one of the rarest specimens,” said Ed Carlson, executive director of Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. “The appeal of the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary Ghost Orchid is that it is visible from our public boardwalk, and this particular plant has a history of displaying multiple flowers at once and blooming multiple times in succession, which gives people more of a chance to get to Naples and see it.”
You should make a trip soon to Corckscrew Swamp soon for the chance to see this rarest of orchids. If you can't, then at least seek solace in reading about it:
News Press: Crowds still flocking to Corkscrew Swamp's ghost orchid
News Press: Ghost orchid blooms again at Corkscrew
Wall Street Journal: Ghost Orchid
Naples News: Photo Gallery