Thousands of truck loads of sewage residuals contaminate the Okeechobee watershed. |
Audubon of Florida has released a new report on the release of residual wasterwater and sewage sludge, hightlighting the negative impacts this has on Everglades restoration:
"Audubon is calling on the State of Florida, wastewater utilities, and landowners to end the practice of land disposal of dried sludge from sewage treatment plants (also referred to as wastewater residuals and bio-solids) in the Lake Okeechobee watershed. Nutrients in the lake and its tributaries exceed state and federal standards and pollution from phosphorous has reached a crisis point. As a result, Florida’s largest lake faces ecological collapse. Sludge contributes nearly one-fourth of the phosphorous in the Lake Okeechobee watershed and is the most preventable source or pollution."