
Florida's Special Places: Big Cypress National Preserve

Audubon of Florida's Big Cypress Ecosystem Policy Associate Brad Cornell has chosen his nominee for Florida's Special Places. His selection is Big Cypress National Preserve in Southwest Florida. Brad's depth of knowledge and passion for this region is evident in his hard work and in his writing.

This nominee comes at a special time for Audubon and Big Cypress National Preserve, as last week it was announced that after months of advocacy work by Brad Cornell and the rest of the Audubon Policy Team, the State of Florida agreed to convey an additional 29,000+ acres to Big Cypress and the National Park Service - after nearly 30 years of legal wrangling.

Brad's nomination is the culmination of Audubon's signature science-based advocacy and personal passion. I hope you enjoy his entry - and remember, you can submit nominations of your favorite spots at the Florida's Special Places Facebook Page.

Brad's submission:

A real Western Everglades touchstone place that I think qualifies as one of Florida's Special Places is the Big Cypress National Preserve. Almost 3/4 of a million acres of intact freshwater wetland wilderness that flows to the estuaries of the coast is fiercely loved by the people who visit.

As a preserve, it hosts a unique set of activities and visitors - hikers (Florida Trail), birdwatchers, hunters, off-road vehicles users (swamp buggies and airboats), and campers - there are many private inholding camps throughout, as well as public campgrounds.

I have taken Audubon field trips out Turner River Road and Wagon Wheel Road, and others have enjoyed seeing the Red-cockaded Woodpecker groups in the pine areas. I also took my son and several other teens on a memorable coming of age experience in a secluded area of wet prairie, pines and cypress.

It is a landscape that is so unique with vistas worth travelling across the world to see, and wildlife that is diverse and fascinating - panthers, bears, Wood Storks, Spoonbills, etc. There is also nothing like standing in the middle of the Big Cypress at night and gazing at the Milky Way and constellations you just can't see anywhere else in coastal Florida. I know there is a lot of fighting over how to manage this amazing place, but one thing is for certain - all love it.

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