In a unanimous decision today, the Florida Cabinet voted to convey state-owned Addition Lands in Big Cypress National Preserve to the National Park Service. This fulfills an agreement with the federal government that dates back to the 1970s, and became contentious in recent months when off-highway vehicle (OHV) interests attempted to hold the conveyance hostage in exchange for greater OHV access to the property. It was uncertain whether Audubon and our conservation allies would prevail in today’s touch-and-go meeting.
Special kudos to Audubon’s Julie Wraithmell, Charles Lee and Brad Cornell for their hard work yielding this outcome. In all, 29,413 acres of land will be added to the national treasure that is Big Cypress, where a proper management plan can ensure the best protections for wildlife, ecosystems and recreation.
After her testimony in front of the Cabinet on behalf of the land transfer, Audubon of Florida Director of Wildlife Conservation Julie Wraithmell said, "The historic conveyance of these Addition Lands—fulfilling the commitment of a Governor and Cabinet many years past—is a fitting legacy for the last meeting of this Governor and Cabinet. They have been a Governor and Cabinet committed to the protection and integrity of the landscapes that make Florida special."
For more background on this issue, visit Audubon’s Restore on this topic from December 6.