
Governor Crist Declares Next Week Florida Birding and Wildlife Watching and Natural Resource Education Week

Watching wildlife is such big business in Florida that Gov. Charlie Crist has proclaimed January 25-31, 2010 to be Florida Birding and Wildlife Watching and Natural Resource Education Week.

According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, more people travel to Florida each year than any other state to view wildlife. That spells big business for our state, with wildlife viewing generating more than $3 billion and supporting 19,000 retail jobs in Florida annually. In addition, one in every six Florida residents participates in some form of wildlife-viewing activity, whether at home, in parks or preserves, or along the state's scenic waterways.

Here at Audubon, we take pride in connecting people with nature, and calling attention to the connection between healthy wildlands and vibrant economies. Next week, we encourage you to get out and see what all the fuss is about! Check out this list of some of the birding and nature education opportunities local Audubon chapters are providing around Florida next week alone.  All are open to the public, and most are free, with the exception of occasional admission fees to the parks and preserves where the field trips occur—fees which support the ongoing protection of these special places and their wildlife.

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