
Help Protect Florida's Nesting Birds

Some birds such as cormorants, Great Blue Herons and Great Egrets are already nesting in Florida, so it’s not too early to consider actions to help birds raise their young successfully.

We ask everyone — boaters, nature photographers, bird-watchers, hikers, kayakers, beach-goers — while you are near bird nesting colonies, including the nesting islands, beaches, and shores, to avoid disturbance and to set a good example for others.

As Florida’s human population increases, protection of our natural resources — both the wildlife and the habitats that support it — becomes more challenging. It will take all of us working together to ensure that the special and spectacular bird populations, fish, dolphins, manatees, turtles, and all the other wildlife denizens of our community survive in the future. It is both our responsibility and our sacred trust.

These days, with the innovations in digital cameras and lenses, many people can enjoy nature photography and share their experiences. But because this activity has become so popular, it’s critical that the places that we value and the wildlife we love are protected for the future. Intrusion and disturbance of birds at nest, roost, and forage sites when they are most vulnerable must be avoided to ensure future generations of Floridians and visitors can enjoy nature’s spectacle.

For more information:

Visit for tips on what you can do as a home and yard owner to assist bird populations.

Visit for information about what Audubon Florida is doing to protect birds, other wildlife and habitats in our state.

Visit for American Birding Association’s code of birding ethics.

Visit for the National Association of Nature Photographers’ ethical practices guidelines for the Florida Shorebird Alliance photographer guides for comments from local nature photographers on how to ethically capture images while respecting

See for a commentary from Audubon’s Florida Coastal Islands Sanctuaries’ staff Ann Paul and Mark Rachal about disruptive nature photographers.

How you can help, right now