
HELP WANTED: Reporting Banded Loggerhead Shrikes

The Eastern Loggerhead Shrike (pictured © Mike Woodruff) is considered critically endangered in Canada, and much effort is going towards its recovery.  An extensive banding program and new geolocator study are underway in Ontario to help resolve migration routes and wintering grounds of this species.  Limited data to date has suggested that Florida is one of several states where Ontario-breeding shrikes might winter.

We need your help!  Please report any banded (including color-banded) loggerhead shrikes to Jessica Steiner at Wildlife Preservation Canada (Tel: 519-836-9314, Fax: 519-836-8840,  We are especially interested in birds banded with red over silver on the left, as these birds are wearing geolocators and must be re-captured to download the data. For more information, please contact Jessica Steiner, and/or visit Wildlife Preservation Canada.

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