Get Involved

Join the Everglades Brewers Council

Click here to sign up today.

As a craft brewer, I know the importance of clean, fresh water. As a member of the Everglades Brewers Council, I’m committed to advocating for it.

By joining the Everglades Brewers Council, I understand that my brewery:

  • Will visibly support Audubon’s efforts to restore the Everglades, protect our water, strengthen our regional resilience, and conserve natural resources for wildlife and people.
  • Will have the opportunity to engage in conservation advocacy by voluntarily participating in some of the following:
    • Signing coalition letters or pledges
    • Circulating conservation information and opportunities with our networks 
    • Sharing literature and materials in the brewery or taproom
    • Writing letters to the editor or op-eds
    • Attending in-person meetings with legislators
    • Hosting educational events
    • Partnering for special beer releases
  • Is not receiving an endorsement from the National Audubon Society or Audubon Florida. All logos, company/organization names, and other licensed marks will only be used when agreed upon by all parties.
  • Will be given exposure to Audubon’s regional, statewide, and national audiences.

I look forward to being part of this coalition of conservation-minded breweries and supporting Audubon’s work to protect water in South Florida.

Click here to sign up today.

How you can help, right now