
Legislative Session 2024: A Summary

Budget highlights, good bills that passed, bad bills, and a note on the new bear bill.

On Friday, March 8, the 2024 Legislative Session officially came to a close. Audubon Florida’s policy team, led by Senior Director of Policy Beth Alvi, worked overtime to stay on top of worrisome bills, collaborate with elected officials on bill language and amendments, and keep our stakeholders up to date.

Budget Highlights

2024 was a historic year for many of Audubon’s budget priorities. The legislature passed a $116.5 billion budget, including a historic investment of $1.5 billion in water resource protection and the Everglades. Coastal resiliency and land conservation also saw strong funding levels, including $100 million set aside for the Rural and Family Lands Protection program—an initiative Audubon supports to engage working lands in conservation efforts—and $100 million for the Florida Forever conservation program.

graphic about good bills and bad bills

Taking of Bears Signed into Law Over Audubon Objections

This broadly written bill makes it legal for individuals to shoot bears without penalty to prevent what they perceive to be imminent threat of death, serious injury, or significant property damage, so long as no lure was used to attract the bear. Not only is this law likely unconstitutional, it is also unnecessary and dangerous. We need broader adoption of known effective solutions for living alongside Florida black bears, instead of
legislation encouraging individuals to open fire in Florida neighborhoods.

For a detailed accounting of this past legislative session, please visit:

This article appeared as part of the 2024 Summer edition of the Naturalist. To read the full magazine, click here.

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