
A Letter From An Auduboner to Sen. Haridopolos on Oil Drilling

Dear Senator Haridopolos:

Although temporarily on hold, many, many Floridians are appalled at the possibility of legislation ultimately being passed which would allow drilling within a few miles of our beaches.

Such destructive legislation would severely impact Florida's coastal ecosystems, it's pristine beaches and it's coastal wildlife.  Our legislators seem intent on listening only to the voices of the petroleum industry, rather than to we, the people, who desperately want to protect our tourism industry, and to have a chance at a greener and cleaner future.

Tallahassee, despite having done almost nothing to support policies which would truly advance energy-independence, instead ironically cites the need to reduce dependence on foreign oil as it's reason for supporting nearshore drilling.

Please, please read and circulate the attached article by Dr Richard Baker regarding the disturbing insights of Dr Sylvia Earle ("The World is Blue").

We urge you to reconsider your own personal leanings on this matter, and to use your powers to convert those colleagues of yours who support the idea of offshore drilling.


Peter Sutherland

Director, Pelican Island Audubon Society

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