One college student’s nature experience with several North Florida Audubon chapters inspired a one-time special event into a yearlong Audubon program engaging young adults. Planning for the Northeast Florida Conservation Leadership Academy was underway by several other Audubon chapters when Marion Audubon learned about the special event and wanted to get involved. The one-day academy is intended to inspire college students to care more about nature and explore being a conservation leader. Thanks to Marion Audubon Vice President Barbara Schwartz (with the help of some extra credit offered by Professor Steve McKenize), a record number of college students participated in this academy. Veteran Audubon members walked side-by-side with students who said they rarely spent time outdoors. The students raved about the experience and, in turn, inspired Marion Audubon to create a year-long program focused on engaging college students. The chapter received an Audubon in Action grant, which funds four activities.