
Nesting Birds Prepare for Upcoming Season at Fort Matanzas

Last week, Stefanie Nagid, Audubon Florida Northeast Policy Associate, was lucky enough to observe returning nesters such as Black Skimmers, Roseate Terns, and Royal Terns loafing along the sandbars and beaches of Fort Matanzas National Monument (FMNM) and Vilano Beach, St. Augustine.

Even though there was no actual nesting taking place yet, some of the Wilson’s Plovers at Fort Matanzas were already pairing off and displaying pre-nesting territorial behaviors such as chasing off competing plovers, chest-pumping and peeping. With the arrival of spring and nesting shorebirds, we are excited to see what next month’s bird survey will bring!

If you are interested in being a part of the Florida Shorebird Alliance, please contact Naomi Avissar with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission at  You can also visit the Alliance website for more information - click here.

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