Now is the time to press your legislators to push back attempts to weaken energy conservation laws and to set stronger renewable energy policy for Florida.
Some legislators seem intent on reversing state policy on energy conservation and weakening gains to achieve strong renewable energy policy that would create a market for solar and other renewable energy.
Promote Energy Conservation
Audubon made energy conservation a top priority in 2008 and helped secure language that required the Public Service Commission to consider all costs of producing electricity, including costs related to climate change, when considering how much money utilities have to spend on conservation measures.
However, some utilities are complaining that the new conservation goals are too expensive and could increase rates – even though average bills will go down. Strong energy conservation policy promises to save eight million megawatt-hours of energy annually and in doing so allow utilities to avoid building dozens of expensive new power plants certain to raise people's rates. Energy conservation is also one of the best avenues to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect Florida’s birds, wildlife and natural habitats from the effects of climate change.
Florida Needs Strong Renewable Energy Policy
Strong renewable energy policy will also protect the environment, and as importantly, drive new job creation and attract clean, high technology industries—for solar and other renewable energy—to Florida.
With the right policies, Florida can become a leader in providing an ideal business environment for solar and biomass energy providers, for manufacturers of clean energy parts and systems, for electricians and installers, and for innovative energy research. The Blue Green Alliance studied the benefits a renewable electricity standard would have for Florida and found that this policy would generate business for 1,617 firms and create as many as 18,704 green jobs. Florida must act to put in place a state renewable energy policy that will create new jobs right here in Florida where they are most needed.
Stay tuned for updates on legislative proposals and help Audubon push back attempts to roll back the 2008 conservation language and promote strong renewable energy policy.