
Quality Time with Representative Elizabeth Porter - A Look Beyond the Capitol

Representative Elizabeth Porter (R - Lake City) represents portions of Alachua, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Lafayette and Suwannee counties. Her district has experienced no shortage of controversial water issues over the last year or so. As a valued member of several environmental committees in the Legislature (Agriculture & Natural Resources Subcommittee, State Affairs Committee and the Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations) she has demonstrated her love of the environment and her desire to address important water-related issues. Please enjoy this edition of Quality Time:

Looking back at the 2012 Regular Session, what would you say is your proudest accomplishment?

Getting HB 157, the Water Management District Cooperation bill, passed unanimously passed in the House, and bringing to the forefront of conversation, the need for Water Management District to work as a single entity on water management practices. Our management and conservation methods need to benefit us as a State and not pit areas of the state against each other in “water wars”.

What is the best advice you have ever received and who gave it to you?

My parents are the source of most of the good advice I’ve received over the years. But by far the best advice has been to be honest, straight forward and true to my values.

Are you active on Facebook and/or Twitter?

Facebook, only professionally, and Twitter, definitely not. I’m not a big proponent of social sites, in general. My life as a Representative, mother, wife and business owner is very busy and complicated. I have to try to simplify it in other areas where I can. I prefer to spend that time with family and friends.

What is the favorite outdoor activity for you and your family that you enjoy doing together?

Boating on the Santa Fe River, spending time on the beach with our dogs, and scalloping out of Horseshoe Beach.

How about state parks or other  areas…any favorites?

We love Vilano Beach. It is much quieter than most other beaches, AND we can take the dogs!

Tell us something most people do not know (or never suspected) about you.

I miss being anonymous! I could easily be a hermit and spend every day simply working in my yard and home and taking care of my family and pets.

Read any good books lately?

Do landscaping books count?

What would be a perfect day for you? No limits! Anything is possible!

This is easy! A whole day on a deserted island, no phone, no TV, no electronics. Just bright sunshine, waves, the beach and a picnic basket to share with my family and dogs.

And last but not least, if you were “Queen for a Day” and could pass any bill in the Legislature with no interference or opposition; what would it be?

HB 157 from the 2012 session (Water Management District Cooperation bill). But since I’m NOT Queen for a day, I’ve filed it already for the 2013 session!

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