
Renewable Energy is Florida's Best Bet for Economic and Environmental Security, Not Offshore Drilling

Be in Tallahassee March 22nd and 23rd to voice your concerns about this urgent issue. See the invitation for all of the details.

Audubon of Florida is part of the Renewable Energy Alliance, REAL, that brings together environmental and clean business partners to achieve robust renewable energy policy for our state.

Together with our partners, we just launched a new fact sheet that outlines why we need robust renewable energy policy. Solar power, biomass and other renewable sources of energy are affordable, protect Floridians from price shocks, provide reliability to the transmission grid, and create jobs right here in Florida. Read the REAL fact sheet and share it to urge others to add their voices to the chorus of Floridians dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas pollution to protect the environment and ramping up new, sustainable job growth through the development of a renewable energy market.

To take your commitment a step further, join Audubon and its partners in Tallahassee for a lobby day on March 22nd and 23rd.

Clean Energy Advocates & Oil Drilling Opponents,

We Need You March 22 at the Capitol! Register Now

Help Pass Clean Energy Jobs Legislation This Session;

Jump-Start Florida’s Economy and Stop the Threat of Risky Offshore Drilling

Be in Tallahassee March 22nd and 23rd to voice your concerns about this urgent issue. See the invitation for all of the details.

How you can help, right now