
The special places we may lose without Florida Forever.

As part of the suspension of this year’s Florida Forever program, purchases already approved by the Governor and Cabinet (sitting as the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement District) will be put on hold, to be reappraised and renegotiated in a future year, if the program’s funding is restored. This is a frustrating setback for landowners for whom the Trustees’ approval should have been the final hurdle to clear before selling their natural areas to the state. In a program dependent upon willing sellers, we hope this does not have a chilling effect on landowners interested in doing business with the state.  View the projects that have Board of Trustees Approval that will not close or be completed if Florida Forever funding is suspended for the remainder of the 2008-2009 fiscal year: DEP, FWC and DOF projectsDCA and Water Management District projects.

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