Speak up for our coastal wildlife - submit comments or attend a meeting in person.
Yesterday, the State and Federal government announced the next two Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) projects proposed for funding, both of which will have big conservation benefits for the Florida Panhandle.
- One project will direct $4.7Mover 5 years to Alabama, Mississippi, and the Florida Panhandle for beach-nesting bird conservation (essential activities to protect nesting birds from disturbance and predation).
- The second will direct $4.3M over 4 years to Alabama, Mississippi, and the Florida Panhandle for nesting marine turtle conservation (mostly retrofitting coastal lighting to prevent disorientation).
The total for the Florida components of these two programs will be $7.7M, funded by BP. Your voice is needed to make sure these projects become a reality, please click here. Don't hesitate; your support is needed by December 10!
During the Deepwater Horizon disaster, Florida’s shorebirds and sea turtles, especially those in the Panhandle, suffered sweeping breeding season losses as a result of the spill and response. Under theOil Pollution Act (OPA), state and federal partners have since been assessing this damage and placing a value on it through the Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) process. This evaluation is the justification for restoration projects like these funded with BP fines.
Join Audubon at a Public Hearing
Join Audubon Florida’s Director of Wildlife Conservation Julie Wraithmell at the meeting in Pensacola to speak in support of these good projects.
When: Tuesday, November 13, 6-9PM CST
Where: Escambia County Central Complex Building (Rm 104, 3363 West Park Place)
It is important that we make it clear that there is a constituency for coastal wildlife and we support these meaningful projects!
Please contact jwraithmell@audubon.org if you plan on attending.