
Take Action to Protect Our Coasts from Climate Change Impacts

Your Recommendations on Climate Change and Coastal Conservation

More than 240 people came together at the 2009 Audubon Assembly kickoff Dialogue on Climate Change and Coastal Conservation in St. Petersburg, Florida last October and started an important process to think about, discuss, and recommend ways Florida can adapt to and protect its coastal habitats from the effects of climate change. Here are the recommendations developed by this diverse group of conservation leaders, students and scientists, business people, policy makers and university faculty. Once you read them, join in the discussion of coastal adaptation and post your recommendations to our blog. Simply comment on this post and your recommendation(s) will be captured.

These recommendations will be updated regularly and distributed to decision makers at all levels to prompt discussion and development of effective and environmentally-sound coastal adaptation strategies. Consider how you can apply these recommendations in your own community; and let's keep cooperating to protect all that makes Florida such a special place.

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