Florida Forever acquisitions represent some of Florida's most characteristic and unique wild landscapes. © RJ Wiley |
Florida Forever, the state's landmark land conservation program, has made possible historic, on-the-ground conservation in every county of Florida. Despite its record of success and the land-buying opportunities presented by the current real estate market, the Legislature during special session slashed $250 million from this essential environmental program, freezing even those contracts already approved by the Governor and Cabinet.
Billed as “necessary belt-tightening” this appeared to be a done deal, but Governor Crist has recently indicated he is concerned about the precedent this might set for future years’ funding, and is considering a veto of the Florida Forever cuts.
Use our easy email function to write Governor Crist, urging him to veto the budget cuts to Florida Forever. Help Governor Crist do the right thing by showing him he has your support. Take action now and please share this with your friends—this bill could be signed or vetoed at any time.