
You Can't Hide an Oil Rig

Larry Gareau writes that the proposed bill to allow oil drilling in Florida waters would keep the rigs at least 5 miles from shore, but that is well within sight from land. Depending on the height of a platform, it would be visible for perhaps 12-16 miles, as illustrated in this table. Don't be fooled by claims that you would be unable to see the rigs out in the water. As the numbers in that table suggest, if you were five feet tall and were standing with your toes touching the water, then you would only be able to see three miles out. Except people are usually taller than five feet, beaches have an incline that adds elevation (especially when considering dunes and boardwalks), and the rigs won't be flush against the water. They are in fact quite tall. When you factor these other variables in the equation, rigs would be visible quite a ways out. Anybody care to calculate how far tenants in condiminums can see?

The only way to truly hide an oil rig is to prevent its installation in your waters.

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