
A Bird's Eye View: Our Intern Leaves the Nest

Our wonderful intern at the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey has completed her time helping out at the Center. We cannot thank her enough for her good work, cheerful demeanor and dedication over the coarse of the past months. We wish you the best of luck!

Please enjoy Stormi's final update for "A Bird's Eye View" -

Spring is upon us and so is baby bird season. This is a hectic time for the Center for Birds of Prey because we are receiving baby bird’s everyday. Concerned citizens are bringing them to us in cereal boxes, crates, towels, etc. It is critical that we give each one the amount of care they deserve and require; fore if we cannot their health will suffer.

Staff members work diligently to get them back into the wild as quickly as possible. It takes a massive amount of work to get a baby back into the wild. Hand puppets, camouflage, and bird voice boxes are used to feed the baby and avoid imprinting. Supplies used in taking care of baby birds includes towels, food, detergent, soap, dishes, tongs, baby blankets, newspapers, incubators, bandages, medication, and more.

When a baby is finally ready to be returned, other variables may come into play such as assistance with home owners, required nesting boxes, foster parents, or tree climbers. As you can see it is not an easy or cheap task to return a baby bird back to the wild.

To help offset the increased costs during baby season Audubon hosts its’ annual Baby Owl Shower event for guests to learn about our Center and about ways they can help the environment. Instead of a monetary donation we ask that each guest bring a baby bird gift that will help in the survival of the birds being admitted to the Center.

Join us on May 7 at the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey from 10AM until 2PM to celebrate and learn about baby bird season. Although I am at the end of my internship at the Center I would not pass up joining in on this fun and educational event. I just want to take a moment in this last blog to thank everyone that I have worked with. I have been surrounded by helpful, caring, intelligent, and insightful individuals. I have learned so much and will miss everyone immensely. Again, thank you so much to everyone I worked with.

Download the invitation flyer for the 2011 Baby Owl Shower!

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