In recent weeks, the South Florida Water Management District has been issuing fines to those breaking water usage rules during the ongoing drought throughout South Florida. The District is the agency charged with enforcing water usage restrictions on golf courses and agricultural water users.
Audubon's Jane Graham was quoted in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel regarding recent news of this increased enforcement:
"We hope this kind of thing continues, it's important for people across the board to know that water shortage rules have teeth."
While the District's responsibility is to monitor large-scale water users, it is the local authorities responsibility for enforcing these rules to homeowners and other smaller scale landscape irrigation.
How do you feel your local authorities monitor usage in your neighborhood and community? Have you noticed any changes in how people use water as increased restrictions have been implemented over the past months?
Audubon wants to know what you are doing to help save water in your home, community or place of work. Tell us on the Protect the WEB Facebook Page or in the comment section below. Share your tips with others concerned with protecting Florida's one-of-a-kind water resources!