On September 29, Audubon Florida teamed up with Tampa Bay Watch and Sarasota Bay Watch to cleanup up the dangerous discarded fishing gear that threatens Tampa and Sarasota bays. Volunteers scoured mangrove shorelines, piers and bridges in boats, kayaks, paddleboards, and on foot to remove fishing line that too often entangle many of our coastal birds. Florida Coastal Islands Sanctuaries staff had the opportunity to join the Sarasota Bay crew that Saturday morning.
Audubon's Ann Paul and Mark Rachal were on the scene! Ann led the Sarasota High School volunteers as they cleaned the Roberts Bay Bird Colony and Mark captained the Audubon boat to the Town Islands in northern Sarasota Bay. While the amount of line stretched across the mangroves branches seemed to be less than in years past, finding the remains of a Brown Pelican wing tightly bound with monofilament is a stark reminder that there is still a lot of work to be done. Pelicans, cormorants, egrets, and herons returning to their nesting colonies next year will be a little safer while raising their young.
Thank you to all of the volunteers and partners that made the day such a success and we look forward to the next annual fishing gear cleanup next year.
You can now follow the Florida Coastal Islands Sanctuaries on Twitter: @AudubonFCIS