
FDACs Advances Program for a Healthy Northern Everglades

This week, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services ( FDACs) advanced a program for sustainable farming practices that will chart a course toward a cleaner and healthier Lake Okeechobee and northern Everglades estuaries.

On Monday, the News-Press reported that FDACs sent a legislative budget request of $5 million to Governor Rick Scott (R-FL) to fund a program to develop best management practices for ranches and farms around Lake Okeechobee and in the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee River watersheds.  This program partners with private ranchers and farmers to help reduce nutrients like phosphorus  flowing off private lands that contribute to excess nutrients in the Northern Everglades watershed.

From the News-Press:

"The appropriations provided to the Department in previous fiscal years are inadequate and represent only a portion of the funds identified in the plan for restoration," the agency said.

"The Department's request is for additional funding that is in accordance with the Lake Okeechobee Protection Plan… The implementation of agricultural (best management practices) is critical to reducing the historical phosphorus loads to Lake Okeechobee and its tributaries."

Audubon has long advocated for adequate funding for FDACs cost share best management practices program. Last year, Audubon staff presented recommendations to the SFWMD Governing Board and adequate funding for the best management practices program was our top recommendation. We are encouraged to see progress and look forward to working with FDACs and SFWMD to advocate for adequate funding to grow this important program to help the health of Lake Okeechobee and the Northern Everglades and estuaries.

For more information, please click here to learn more about how some ranches in the Northern Everglades implement this program to store and clean water before it flows into the Northern Everglades watershed.


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