The Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council is expected to release the draft of its Initial Comprehensive Plan in early May, with opportunities for the public to comment in May through June. After public input, the Initial Comprehensive Plan is scheduled to be published on July 6.
Because of a delay in the publication of U.S. Treasury rules that will control spending of RESTORE funds on projects, it is unlikely that the Council’s plan will include a list of projects. Instead, the plan will most likely focus on the criteria to be used in choosing the projects that will be funded from the Council’s share of RESTORE funds.
The best opportunity for funding is to propose projects that meet the RESTORE Act criteria for these Council funds, including large-scale projects that substantially contribute to the restoration and protection of natural resources, including wildlife habitat.
Projects can be proposed through the DEP site or to the Council through email at Effective ways to propose a project include coordinating with your coastal county RESTORE advisory committee and also supporting Audubon Florida’s efforts.