
Audubon Advocates Make a Difference for Pasco County

Pasco County channel would have destroyed nearly 30-acres of vital bird feeding areas.

Last year, we asked you to take action on an important dredging issue off of Pasco County that would have destroyed nearly 30 acres of important seagrass habitat.

Today, we are happy to report that in a resounding "NO", the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District has denied this huge dredging permit.

The project was disguised as a proposal to provide recreational access to a county park, but in reality was primarily intended to benefit the "Sunwest" Development of Regional Impact (DRI), which proposes a waterfront community of condominiums and marinas surrounding a deep mine excavation. The landowners and developers had envisioned connecting with the channel to allow access for large boats.

Your emails to the Corps of Engineers in response to our appeal for help made a huge difference. The Corps of Engineers received over 9,000 individual objections to this permit, many of which were from Audubon Advocates like you.

This proves once again that your individual opinion can count and result in important decisions to protect Florida's natural resources! Thank you.

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